Group Coaching

What is

Group Coaching?

As an Accredited Mindset and Wellness Coach, you will be coached by me as part of a group with other like-minded women. I will work with you to get you from where you are now to where you want to be, using a range of techniques. Using a holistic approach, we will work together to help you get clear about what you truly want in life and create action steps for you to take to get there. I will help you to overcome limiting beliefs and blocks that are holding you back and we will uncover and reshape behaviours, habits and patterns of thinking that are currently preventing you from living your best life. We will work with the four body systems of Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual in order to help you achieve balance and harmony in your life.

Group Coaching

What are the

four body systems?

In order to be truly balanced in our lives and experience true wellness, we need to consider all four body systems; the MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL.

The MENTAL system addresses achieving harmony in our thought life and thought patterns.

The EMOTIONAL system addresses achieving freedom from negative emotions of the past, the ability to love and receive love, the ability to process and release emotions in a healthy way and achieving rapport with the unconscious mind.

The PHYSICAL system addresses physical health and having the things in life we want to have.

The SPIRITUAL system addresses the ability to live congruently with our higher/true selves and to be in alignment with our purpose. It focuses on self development and practicing and experiencing our connection to a Higher Power.

How does

it work?

A Group Mindset and Wellness Coaching Programme with me is for 12 weeks. During this 12 week programme we will have an hour long group coaching session, once a week, via Zoom. You will also be able to contact me outside of these sessions via email and I will be there to support you throughout.

You will not only have professional support from me, but also from the other women in your coaching group. You will share, learn and transform together over the 12 weeks.

By the end of the 12 weeks, you will have developed a positive growth mindset and achieved balance in all four body systems. You will have made new, like-minded friends and transformed the way you feel and behave, enabling you to tackle life's challenges head on in order to start living your best life!

You also have to option to upgrade to the VIP Package, which includes the Mindset Makeover 12 week group programme as well. (link to mindset makeover page)

Book a call with me now to discuss how to get started on your journey of transformation.

Book A Call

Group Coaching